Monday, October 31, 2011


Awkward is one of those words you write out and wonder if you are spelling it right, and it drives you crazy.

Haven't been posting because I have nothing to say. You don't want me to post when I have no clear idea what to post, because you are going to get something thoughtless that rambles much like this.

Had a delicious dinner last night of baked and breaded chicken strips. Used panko bread crumbs, italian seasonings... I had never breaded chicken before, so it was a lot of fun, really. Messy. It wasn't a very healthy recipe, aside from baking the chicken instead of frying it. Coated them in spices, then flour, then egg, then bread crumbs and parmesan. I have read that a healthy alternative to all that is to use yogurt at some point in this process, but we were out, so I said to hell with it.

Made enough to feed an army even after having a friend come over and help us eat it, so we will be having this for days to come.

Halloween was pretty neat, dressed up. I'm beginning to realize I have a real problem socially (duh) but particularly because I feel like I can't have a decent time unless I'm shitface drunk. I'm just so AWKWARD. Being plump is part of it, maybe, but only a small part. It's easy to blame your quirks on being fat, I guess. But I'm pretty sure I could be 130 pounds and still be completely strained in a social setting.

Brad and I are definitely happiest sitting around the house, serial watching tv, on our computers... every now and then I get an itch to be around people, to only be reminded of why I don't do that very often. My circle of comfort only extends so far. Inevitably, if I talk long enough around people, I'm going to say something off the wall the offends someone or makes everyone uncomfortable. But I'm kinda sick of feeling like I have to apologize for the social awkwardness and hermitting. I think I'm just gonna embrace it for a while and see what happens. Hahar.

And this is what you get when I have nothing to say. Gonna try to start the exercise this week. Blah!

1 comment:

  1. Dan wants to know if there is a Heart Attack Grill in Georgetown/do they deliver!? lol. You've inspired me to invent a low calorie/high protein cookie just in case I need to apologize to you all in the future...I'm thinking it'll be 2 thin, sandwiched together cookies and I'll call it 'The Cute Couple'. Congratulations on your success. Thanks for the motivation.
    PS. social situations suck for me BECAUSE there isn't an Erica there making us laugh (in a good way).
