Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Unexpected Results

Wanted to share some exciting news after only day 3 of fatpocalypse:

I've lost 5 lbs.

Bringing me to 206.5. Brad was 264 at the doctor last week, but is now at 258.5. Damn men and their superior weight loss.

I am attributing this to the following:


Pretty damn cool.

It lists brains as being high in sodium, so for once I feel sorry for those hypertensive zombies. Zombies are people too.

And dinner today was brought to us by Skinny Crock Pot .com. And by extension, Pinterest.


I've talked Brad into a photo shoot tonight, should be pretty sexy! Stay tuned!


  1. Great job to both of you! Don't suppose you could hurry up with that instantaneous teleportation machine you've been working on and send some of the unused 1/2 cow from your basement to us? I don't trust the meat products here and all the kids are dying for a hamburger!!! There really are kids starving in China!

  2. 5 lbs is amazing! Didn't I just talk to you on Sunday??? Wow, you guys are doing great!
