Thursday, November 3, 2011

More of the same.

I got some physical activity in yesterday! Went hiking at the spillway with Jessica. Reminded me terribly of soccer conditioning when my main goal was to keep the back of her heels at the top of my sight. Of course, we were just walking, and it was difficult, so that is sad! I had to tell her not to laugh at my labored breathing, cause if I started to laugh too I probably would have died. Somehow we also talked a lot, but the last half of the hike I couldn't contribute much to the conversation anymore. Whew!

And I was sore when I woke up this morning.

Stretching before hand was fun, my body made all kinds of noises, snap crackle pop. I'm still surprisingly flexible, my belly just gets in the way a lot.

Maybe I'll buy Gizmo a harness and take him with me if I ever go by myself. Look out! I have a vicious dog! He will cuddle you to death if you mess with me!

We almost got a little lost, it was getting very dark and we couldn't see the blue trail marks anymore and all the leaves were covering the trails. Had it been October 31st, I might have been freaked out, but as it was I was too busy trying to keep up to really care. And if you are going to get seriously lost in the woods with someone, it may as well be Jessica Collins, who could probably kill a bear with her bare hands.

I weighed 201 the other day, 199 is so close I can taste it. It's weird though, 2, 0 and 1 seem so low by themselves, 9 and 9 so big. It's messing with my head.

I think I'm going to schedule in some "treat yo' self" days, probably 2 a month. One to go out and eat and for me and Brad that usually means Red Lobster or Hibachi's. Another day where I cook one of our favorites in the fat way they are supposed to be cooked, like my meatloaf and mashed taters or lasagna. I'm currently looking for a healthier lasagna roll recipe that includes spinach, artichokes, mozz and portabella. Having trouble finding one that doesn't call for ricotta, which I despise. Eden, I've found some stuffed portabella recipes, but I can't seem to find the right one, could you send me a link or something?

Seems like we think more about food now than we ever did before. Brad literally wakes up in the morning thinking about dinner and nagging me about it. He goes to sleep discussing future dinner possibilities. It kinda drives me nuts, especially when I'm hungry, which is pretty much all the time. That boy acts like he can't eat unless I'm feeding him. Got back from hiking last night around 8 and he hadn't eaten yet. He will starve himself and turn into aretha franklin until I feed him. It can be a daunting responsibility. I've just been kinda down lately, what with the med change, my desire to cook great healthy meals has gone considerably down. I need to get to the store and stock up, maybe if I get off my ass and do that today I will feel better.


  1. Hey! I'll try to find that recipe asap!

  2. cottage cheese and silken tofu are both ricotta alternatives ... sorry to disappoint.

  3. Well, I used cottage cheese last night, actually! They turned out decent (lasagna rolls) but I did use hamburger in my sauce cause we had it and it was going to waste. Compared the the lasagna I'm used too, it was rather dry, but still pretty good.

  4. keep working on that recipe. I told your Grandma that I wanted lasagna instead of turkey for Thanksgiving...then I volunteered you to cook. Apparently you received my subliminal messages. K :)
