Sunday, October 23, 2011

Over it.

We're going to pretend the last 24 hours never happened. No calorie counting occurred during this time. And that's ok. I'm already over it.

Had a fabulous time at Jeniffer and Lacy's wedding. At least I think I did. Woke up this morning at Jilda's, my tights had come off, and I have a very sore wound on the bridge of my nose, and photos of me with a garden gnome- and I don't remember how any of those things happened.

I remember everything up 'til those shots...

I don't think I ate anything terrible, I didn't even eat too much, but I put a real hurtin' on some beer.

Brad came down with the usual impending-social-event-allergies, and stayed home. Which works out because that meant I called him a lot, leaving crazy messages, which are the only clues I have as to my state of mind. There were even a couple of fights, making the event the best party I've been to in years, hands down.

He keeps asking what is for dinner and I just keep avoiding him. Because I decided early on today that not a single shit would be given about anything. I don't even care that he's in there cooking fish, which I hate. As long as I don't have to cook it.

Today's lesson: it's okay. Have fun. You're on a diet? Good for you. Don't beat yourself up when you fall off the wagon. And if you're drunk, you won't even feel it, so it hardly counts, in my opinion. I also learned that when you've been starving yourself, beer is so much more delicious.

And I still haven't changed clothes. Don't judge me.


  1. God, I love this!!! It just makes me realize how much I miss your crazy antics!!! -Johnna-

  2. I'm going to start reading this EV-ER-Y-DAY! I just laughed out loud at work and read a portion to my office-mate. She laughed and said, "she should write funny books, that's for damn sure." (she's Hungarian...)... BUT I have to agree... this needs to be your life, career, what you need to be doing 24/7 and getting paid for it, unless, of course, you don't enjoy it... and then you still have to do it because no one enjoys their job so get over yourself and deal with it. You have inspired me... mostly because I want to be able to read your blog and not feel bad that I'm purely using it for entertainment purposes and not actually participating in what the blog is about. But for whatever reason... Thank you!
    - Laura

  3. LOL, thanks Laura! And what do Hungarians know anyway? :) Did you know that people who complement me are my favorite kind of people? I know it's weird. But it's true. Thanks for the feedback. Feed. Mmmm...
