Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fat Photo Session

Ok, the post you've all been waiting for, the one I have been avoiding, and the one Brad has bitched about for a couple days now... the fat gallery.

And when I say Brad bitched, I mean *I* had to talk *him* into it. I thought I would be the one with the biggest problem... tee hee.

Cause it ain't pretty. I mean... look at how much SPACE we take up. It's almost impressive. It's embarrassing, but it's also reality, it's not like I can pretend myself unfat.

I'm not feeling the words coming very easily right now... maybe I'm distracted by the new cable or by starving.

But honestly we both feel like we are eating plenty every day. But since we switched out so much stuff for low-calorie versions, after we add it all up, we run to the kitchen for snacks to make sure we don't die. Seriously. Yesterday I had a total of 1100 calories after dinner, and about died of shock. An apple and some nuts later, I felt better about myself. So it's interesting that eating extra food now is making me feel better instead of like shit. It's all about perspective.

I did look it up though, and found that, as you probably know cause you don't live under a rock, it's recommended you get 2000 calories to maintain your current weight. But it is doable to go as low as 1200 for a girl, 1500 for a guy, in order to lose weight at a healthy rate (1-3 pounds a week). What blows my mind is that if I were doing exactly 1200, and also added exercise which we eventually will do, I can easily subtract 200 from that. It's all math. And I hate math.

I've found this website that cuts some of the math out for me: Cause I can put in what I know the serving size and calories to be, then cut it in half, or quarters, whatever. Stupid maths.

But counting calories isn't as friggen terrible as I thought it would be. I've rigged an excel spreadsheet, which isn't perfect and I get aggravated at it a lot. But seriously, filling it out 3 times a day, is about as thrilling and addictive as Farmville.

To be completely honest, I haven't thought much about nutrition today, but about politics and escaped animals. Maybe I need another blog... :)


  1. I'm so happy for you! I know how you feel on many levels, and I know how hard it can be! UGH! Anyways, not to ham it up too much.. but you're efforts inspire people, and it's contagious. Keep it going lady! You'll be amazed what you can accomplish.

  2. I am so freaking proud of you and Brad!!! You are going to love/hate looking at these pictures in about 6 months! Keep up the awesomeness!

    This is Eden, I couldn't figure out how to post without being anonymous, hehe
