Monday, October 24, 2011

"Taste Worth Dying For!"

Since I suddenly care about nutrition, some online articles and news snippets have grabbed my attention and I would like to share some of them here.

First of all, I believe it was my good personal friend Brian Williams who introduced this news segment on a Las Vegas restaurant "Heart Attack Grill". For those of you who missed it, THIS IS NOT A JOKE! Go take a look, I'll wait...


... once again, not a joke, but pretty damn funny. And tragic. If you weigh over 350, and allow yourself to be weighed publicly in the restaurant, you eat FO FREE. I thought the 96er was for comedic purposes only. But no. But why not be honest? You have to give them credit there. And they call the diner 'the clinic' and the waitresses are 'nurses' and of course there is a doctor. These are sadistic geniuses. And don't screw with them. They will sue you.

I love America, I really do. Mainly because it's so entertaining.

Here's a lovely take on the Occupy movement:

By the way, I love this Occupy Wall Street thing. I've always loved Europe, particularly France, for their protests. They bring people together, get people talking, and sound like lots of fun. Here in Grayson we should Occupy something besides port-a-potties. Any suggestions?

But back to fast food.

Places like McDonalds, Wendy's, Arby's, Hardees, Burger King... they are American institutions. They aren't going away. Because they are, for the most part, affordable, fast, convenient. My fatass doesn't even need to get out of the car. Our children recognize and can say McDonald's before they even understand they can call themselves by their own names.

Eating healthy is a damn chore, and our world doesn't go out of its way to make it easy. Healthy food is more expensive. More perishable. Harder to find. You slide down the fat slope easily enough, hit rock bottom, then have to climb and claw your fat way back up the other side. You know... when you can barely climb or claw anymore anyway. People want to get their panties in a wad over gay marriage, liberal media, loss of family values... when our real sin is gluttony. It feeds into everything else. It kills us. Good ol' population control.

So to those of you out there who are trying, good for you. Fight the system. Fight the strategic fattery. And next time you go to McDonalds for a meal, know that you've maxed out your calorie requirements for the day and then some, and all for a negligible amount of nutritional value. Go ahead if you want to, but don't act like you don't know! Cause I done told you.

And for the record, Ronald scares the shit outta me. Always has.

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