Friday, October 28, 2011


Ok, so... it's Friday again. The official 'weigh-ourselves' day, despite the unofficial weighing every morning which we need to stop. We've been eating very well now since October 16. Brad started out at 264 and is now 255. Almost 10 pounds in 12 days! That's probably the best we'll see at this rate considering the shedding of the water weight in the beginning. At this rate meaning until we add exercise. So he has lowered his BMI from 39 to 37. Goooooo BRAD!

Now for the better half, moi. I started out at 211 and now I'm 203! My BMI has lowered from 36 to 34. And both of us have lost waist circumference, which is really great. I've decided today that we are not going to do the complicated waist, hip, chest, etc. Cause our measuring of it is just not very reliable. May keep doing waist, but I'm trying to uncomplicate this mess for my sanity.

I've also quit keeping track of calories. It was nice at first to see what we were capable of, but it was getting monotonous and repetitive. We have a very good idea now what we can eat and what we can't in a day. And we learned that we need to be getting much more protein. With that, we leave the calorie counting behind. But I did purchase a food scale so we can be more accurate with our servings.

But screw the numbers, we are feeling really good. I've felt so good I decided to go out and watch the East Carter Lady Raiders play in their state game Tuesday night. Didn't even know who would be there, just dragged Brad's butt out of the house and went. That is completely not like me at all. I just went and had my own private good time. Brad was a bit miserable, but that's Brad.

I've been calling and talking to people I haven't contacted in years. Just cause I feel good.

And I'm currently working on Halloween costumes for Brad and I (much to his dismay, but he said he would do it to make me happy as long as I don't go overboard on his costume). The funniest part is we don't even have any place to go to wear our costumes... minor detail! I'm sure something will come up. And if not, we will just have a wild and crazy night of role-play sex starring the queen of hearts and super Mario. Bow chicka wow wow.

So I feel really good. Which is a particularly good thing cause I'm having to taper my anti-depressant dose. Apparently my drug of choice has been causing cardiac arythmia. So if you are taking Celexa, you might want to talk to your doctor. Just sayin'. I guess a healthy dose 2 years ago is no longer a recommended dose now according to the FDA. Those guys... always watching out for me.

What? I'm not allowed to talk about my anti-depressant meds? Give me a break. Not a one of you could possibly be surprised.

Oh, and I need people whom I tell I am dieting to quit asking me prying questions that suggest YOU think I'm not being healthy about it. I haven't taken a diet pill my entire life. I've never puked my food back up on purpose. If I ever look like a skeleton feel free to stage an intervention, you have my permission. Now smile and walk away.

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