Monday, October 17, 2011

Adventures in Grocery Shopping

Well, the first day of the 'diet' had its ups and downs for sure!

But it wasn't nearly as hard to execute the plan as it was to plan the plan. Brad and I have never done well in a grocery store, and there was a time in our relationship that we feared Kroger would be our undoing. We went to Wal-mart, because the local store just doesn't always cut it. I just had in my head what I have read so far and compared A LOT of labels (while people stared at us, obviously annoyed, and I have to point out that one of the annoyed women had a toddler in her cart who was FRIGGEN HUGE). Just sayin'.

Brad got away with some stubborn crap that really irritated me, but I guess it's hard for someone to just flip the healthy switch. I mean, I admit I stared longingly at the cheeses. But come on. As a 'healthy snack' he chose to throw frosted mini wheats in the cart. Frosted. I just had to roll my eyes as he convinced himself in his weird logical yet self-serving way that it was the best idea ever. Then he insisted we get nuts in a can, as opposed to the cheaper bags of raw nuts in the baking aisle. He just knew those baking nuts had terrible things in them.

He doesn't think it's fair that I consider my friend Eden's advice and knowledge of food and nutrition as biblical fact. She may not be google, but the bitch KNOWS what she is talking about, she is wise. And if she says I'm right, then I'm right, dammit!

In our craziness we totally forgot several important things cause we just wanted to get the hell outta there.

Another hang up was sodium. I just take it for granted that sodium = salt = bad for you. Brad was convinced that sodium doesn't matter because "we have high cholesterol, not high blood pressure." In fact, our blood pressure is usually so low it's difficult to measure it. But yeah, I'm so sure that high sodium intake has NOTHING to do with high cholesterol... can you hear the sarcasm?

We substituted a lot of things, like Splenda instead of sugar, plenty of whole wheat rices instead of mashed potatoes. Apparently salsa on a baked potato is a good idea. Spray olive oil. Tons of fruit for snacks instead of chips and crackers. Stayed away completely from meals in a box, the chip, pop, cracker & frozen dinner ailes. Once we get the hang of it, I'm sure it will cut our shopping time considerably.

So we didn't kill each other in the end afterall. The kitchen is fully loaded. The bad stuff is gone. We have no choice. Which is safer.


  1. I made a strong attempt at reducing sodium (among other things) and have to say it's made the most noticeable difference. Of course, it was hard at first because everything tasted bland, but I used a lot of garlic (not garlic salt) to cushion the blow. Turns out, it helps. The sodium reduction was easier for me because I could FEEL the difference it was making. I can tell now when I eat something with too much because I balloon up right after I eat it. For me, the whole "your taste changes" theory didn't always happen, but I must say I'm having an easier time cutting the salt WAY down and not noticing than I thought I would. When in doubt, bored, craving, etc. grab fruit or water. I drink tons of water, which also helps. Good luck friend!

  2. Yay Steph! Yes, dinner tonight was loaded with garlic powder. It wasn't too difficult, but I really missed the salt. And I'm one of those people who adds salt to everything before I even taste it. Cause I'm a winner.

  3. I am too google!
