Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Bodily explosions!

Turns out the episode of food poisoning and excessive bloatedness I experienced while in Gatlinburg in October was actually me rupturing an ovarian cyst. Oh, lawdy, life is hilarious! Here I had blamed the Mexicans who had prepared my dinner. Good news is, there doesn't seem to be any more lurking around, that could be noticed with a simple physical exam anyway. I had discomfort for about a month after it happened, which you would expect when something explodes in your body and has no where to go... no wonder I couldn't suck my gut in that night! Oh, the pain the next day was HORRIBLE! My heart goes out to all the ladies I've ever met who have polycystic ovarian disorder, that is NO way to live, man. It was funny, the doc asked if I'd had any episodes of pain and vomiting and bloatedness, and I thought wha... no... ohhhh... yeah. Brad was like, holy shit, should I have taken you to the hospital?! Haha, nah. Just one of those curses we women put up with from time to time.

He said if by May we still haven't had any luck, that Brad will have to get his special baby juice tested, cause it is the cheapest test they can do, so they start there. And while I hope we don't have to get to that point, it is quite hilarious to think of Brad having to go "make a desposit" at the doctor! This man can't even go into Rite Aid and buy condoms! I'm not kidding, HE WON'T DO IT! I will greatly enjoy his discomfort... mwahaha.

Oh and the scales at the doctor's office? Screw THAT! Talk about wanting to throw a 3-D model of a uterus through a damn wall.

Enjoy a sneak peak at my peacock Christmas tree that is currently a pile of peacock vomit on my kitchen counter.

Oh, and did you catch that last comment on my previous blog!? 199.5, kids! Ignoring completely the doctor scales today. Blatantly ignoring.

1 comment:

  1. Always a mistake to look at a different scale...stick with the one you started with 'cause it will show you the legitimate change in your weight even if it's off a few pounds either way. Stick with the 199.5 and keep on truckin'. BTW the accupuncture is wonderful. Hate to admit that the only time I've fallen asleep without "help" since we moved has been when I am left alone in a dark exam room with about a dozen needles stuck into various parts of my body. Twisted.
