Monday, November 14, 2011

Dogs, jobs, and babies.

Sounds like a new program on TLC.

Whew, today has been an eventful day... when viewed from a certain perspective...

Was hanging out on the porch and this dog kept whining at the steps. I thought it was Gizmo, cause I couldn't see it very well. Turns out it was a dog from up the road named Andy. And another dog, who wouldn't sit still long enough for me to see his collar, whom I called Chocolate Face. So after finding out they belong just 3 houses down (which in Willard is a variable distance, to be sure) I walked them home. Silly dogs.

Then two hours later I'm outside again and I can hear Pat's dog Belle going crazy after something and it was a little puppy! So I brought him in for safe-keeping and we spent a good hour watching tv with him curled up around my head. I figured he belonged to the same place, just being a puppy he didn't have tags yet. Was gonna call until they called me asking about the little fella, whose name is Woody. So I drove him home too.

Besides that I've done NOTHING today.

And despite thinking this blog would help me feel accountable to weight loss efforts, And despite making it publicly known I'm going to start exercising, I still haven't done it.

**Holy shit, the wind just blew down a tree across the field. Willard and all its wonders never cease**

And Brad's been playing the hell out of Skyrim (a video game) so I've been playing the hell out of World of Warcraft. I know, it's not something a 28 year old should talk about. In my defense, I do not consider other players my second family, as I haven't played the game with another living person.

So I guess I have a job. Olan Mills finally called me back. I had mixed feelings about it as I had spent a good 48 hours convincing myself I didn't want the job anyway. Sat and thought of all the reasons I could probably hate the job, I guess as a defense mechanism in case of rejection. So when they called I felt pretty conflicted. At the same time, it's part-time and seasonal, not a huge commitment, and it will force me to go outside my hermit zone, so I accepted. Afterwards went out to see a movie and in the middle of it I would suddenly think, "OMG I have a job, how horrible... no, no... focus on the movie. You are at a movie right now." Shit, this is going to put me back in therapy. Guess I better crack out some Eckhart Tolle books now, to get ahead of the game.

I don't assume to understand myself at all. Don't waste your time trying.

Starts Wednesday. Have a doctors appointment tomorrow to check on the baby oven, making sure it's not rotting from the inside out or anything. Been having some troubling discomfort around the ovary area, for about 2 months, of course as soon as I scheduled an appointment it magically disappeared. Kinda like having Brad look at my computer when its being an ass, but it works like a dream for him. But in good baby news, I'm gonna have a new Walker neice or nephew soon! The cuteness of the world is going to increase exponentially. I guess if I can't have Heath Walker's babies, at least I can be their aunt. Hahar.

And that is what is going on. Erica still weighs around 202. Brad keeps getting dangerously close to 250. Just truckin' along. Bo-ring.


  1. Move to the city, fast food is so close you will grow to despise it. Until you revert to loving your enemy, then you are on your own after that kiddo. What's going on for Yhanksgiving?

  2. I don't want to think about Thanksgiving, I'm sure I'm gonna eat my own weight in good food no matter how hard I try not to.

    In other news, people, I just weighed 199.5! Ahhh! That 1 looked so cool! I couldn't even believe it. And Brad was finally 250! Good times!
