Thursday, November 17, 2011

Time management crisis.

It seems I am going to have to have a sit down (when I'm not exhausted) to re-evaluate my fitness goals. I've worked only two days, I had forgotten how hard it is to accomplish anything in addition to going to work. Brad woke me at a heart-wrenching 8 a.m. to first watch American Horror Story, then prepare a roast in the crock pot then actually get ready for work. I don't think I've done that much shit before 10 a.m. in a long time. I know, that's pretty sad.

But with work comes some dilemmas. I'm down with breakfast, it's very routine now. Every damn day I eat a breakfast serving of oatmeal, 2 tsp. of splenda brown sugar, and frozen blueberries. Yum. I look forward to it now. Then there's lunch, which with work occurs 2-3. First day, I ate with co-workers, we went to Long John's (god help me). Today I called Grandma and asked if she'd feed me, had chili. I need to start packing a healthy lunch, evidentally. This could go downhill really fast. And it would give me the extra needed time to call the 40+ customers to confirm their appointments for the following day if I just ate my lunch at the desk that is like a closet within a closet.

By the time I get home I am STARVING! Had our delicious (tho more bland than I'm used to) roast, then was like... must have more... Melba snack crackers and hummus. I'm still starving. My body is being deprived of it's occassional daily naps (yes, plural, napS). Need to plan this out better.

And, a friend of a friend of mine (so I really don't know who this guy is) has also started a weight loss blog: His name is Keith, go be encouraging or inspired, whatever you need. I am seriously considering the purchase of a training program through, as he is doing. Apparently this site and it's product is legit. I don't want to waste time explaining it, if you are curious, go to the website.

But as of right now, I don't know WHEN my first day off will be. That's right, I have a "part-time temporary" job, and I have no idea when I get even one day off. Hahahaha. But it is very laid back and I've enjoyed it so far. I was told for a certainty to kiss my weekends goodbye until after Christmas. Brad has been so whiney! I'm like, what, you miss me sitting on my ass all day while you work? I guess he does... that's so sweet. I loves him.

I'm gonna go read stuff now. Have a lovely night.

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