Sunday, January 1, 2012

It's on like Donkey Kong.

This has nothing to do with it being the first day of 2012 and everything to do with the fact that I now know I will always have Mon & Tues off from work, and things are gonna settle down and become a lot more routine.

But I just took a plunge and purchased a 26 week workout/training/nutrition program from and I'm all tingly about it. Tomorrow I am going to join a gym because home is for naps and food and facebook, not exercising. I'm told the gym in town next to Arby's is open 24/7, you get a key card and go whenever, so I'mma do that and work out after work and whenever else I can. For now, no, I am not interested in a work out buddy, this shit is gonna be embarrassing. But maybe with time.

Could have purchased the at-home plan, we do have dumbells and an eliptical, but I'm afraid I would get lazy and bored. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on workoutbox and how I feel about it. I know a guy who uses it and has been pretty successful so far. It changes your nutrition goals daily based on what part of the workout you are on. You get days off, you get certain weeks that are pretty low key, then some that bust your ass. You get access to trainers who know their stuff. They have videos of every exercise and the different machines at the gym so you don't do anything too stupid. And it's pretty damn affordable. The gym membership will probably be the worst of it.

And besides getting my ass across town to the gym, the only other difficult part will be eating right. I have sucked at this the past two weeks. Did you know superquick has delicious chili-cheese filled corndogs? They do. Well, they did. Until I ate them.

But, my starting stats for workoutbox are as follows:

Weight: 195
Body Fat: 28.5%
Waist: 46 in
Hip: 46 in
Chest: 47 in

These numbers are all down from when I started eating better in October. Not exactly an hour-glass figure, am I? I'm sad to report my boobs have seen the most significant loss. Can't have it all. And my BMI has gone from 36 to 33.

Brad might do workoutbox at home, but he may not, he is stubborn and wants to do it himself. In the past when he has put his mind to it, he can slim down considerably. I need a to-do list to keep me on track, so I went that route.

Looking forward to getting started. I'm gonna go peruse my workoutbox stuff now. Neato-low-fat-burrito!

1 comment:

  1. I didn't know you had a blog. Well, this is awesome, though, and I look forward to following your fat-fighting adventures. While I'm still pretty healthy, in the last sixteenth months I've quit going to the gym, being a health-food freak and had been drinking way too much beer and earned myself a spare tire for my effort. While not exactly a New Year's resolution or anything, once I'm back in the USA I hope to have a transformative experience also--maybe reading your blog will help keep me motivated, too!
