Thursday, January 5, 2012

Are you gel'in?

As in, do your limbs feel like gelatin, because mine do.

I've been to the gym twice now. I was so sore yesterday I put it off until after work, hoping I would have worked out some kinks, but not really. I just avoided any squats or leg presses. I'm walking around like a puppet today!

Tuesday I printed off my workoutbox checklist for day 1 of week 1 Inferno standard... note that this is the beginner's work out. After Standard there are two more versions, the hardest being extreme. Watched all the exercises on their website, kinda made me wanna barf. Supermans? Cross bicycles? Planking? Ok, whatever.

Brad A. (not husband Brad) from the gym took one look at my checklist and just laughed at me. It was priceless really. Asked if I was trying to kill myself. "Ok, then YOU tell me what to do and I'll do it." So he did. It was fun, really. It quit being fun the next morning! OUCH. Probably gonna get my money back from workoutbox, at least until I get in the swing of things. Sorry, Mr. Steffan.

So my legs hurt like hell. He had me do squats and I thought, okie dokie, he initially said 12, which quickly changed to 8 after I was clearly dying. Leg presses were easier, but I wasn't pushing 195 pounds with those either. Damn, I'm a heavy girl.

I don't like other people being there, but for the most part everyone ignores everyone else which I like. If you see me at the gym and I ignore you, don't let it hurt your feelings. I'm going through my own personal hell and you just aren't invited.

Before my workout I eat some fruit. A glass of milk is recommended, but I don't have that on me usually, so I skip it. Afterwards I've been drinking this special k protein shake. I feel like such a douchebag drinking it. Only douchebags drink protein shakes, right? I need to find a cheaper alternative, but that was all I could find at Ralph's Foodfair. That and high protein kibble, so I went with the shake.

This next part is for my aunt, an update on our living room re-do. We are getting new furniture for the living room, we are gonna paint this monstrosity, the quilt will be coming down. We are painting a straw color, the same color Jilda has in her living room, cause I like it. It's warm and has a yellow feel to it because of the oak trim. We are waiting on swatches of fabric from Big Sandy so I can ok the purchase of new furniture. The chairs are gonna be a light wine color and the couch an apple green. Everyone but Brad is convinced I'm going to hate it. It is funny though that I seem to love combos of yellow, green and red of varying shades. I also very much like blue, but not with the green and yellow I'm looking at. And I'm gonna change our one yellow wall in the kitchen to the green we also have in there so that it transitions better. Mustard yellow just ain't doin' it for me anymore.

So that's fun! We are also getting the carpets cleaned cause this shit is nasty. Who knows what bodily secretions (both animal and human) are in this carpet.

And I'm waiting Brad out on the taking down of the x-mas tree. As usual. :)

As for work... yeah. It's good. I haven't had many hours this week, and I've very much enjoyed being lazy. Brad had to force me out of a nap yesterday to get ready to go in. No wanty! I love it, minus the big brother feel I get from the powers that be. They know my every move... somehow...

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