Thursday, December 29, 2011

Clever Blog Title

Hello, we are still alive. :)

The holidays have been crazy, right? Tell me about it. I've been so busy working and getting shit done for xmas... yesterday I had a moment where I was bored and remembered how nice that actually was.

Brad and I got each other nifty gifties and our families were all happy with their presents and we with ours. The highlight of Christmas had to be Dad's genuinely excited comment, "You know, we could make the area under the houseboat a dungeon with chains and shackles and everything, and like, keep people down there!" I love Christmas. And his joke, "East Carter has a chess team now, did you know? They won a tournament in Lexington and they were kicked out of the hotel because the owner couldn't stand chess nuts boasting in an open foyer." The more he told it the less I could contain myself! Got him to giggling so much he couldn't tell it anymore. I'm not kidding, I almost peed after telling number 3.

I've been taking more and more pics at the studio. I run into hangups sometimes, like where to put all of one family's three infants for a group picture... that was fun. Or the family with one jackass that ruins every picture because they are being obnoxious. You can tell I'm new at it because rather than the standard 40-60 images, I'll download 100+. I'm going to break our computer... haha.

I got a kid to be happy today, the only way being to let him play with my necklace. The parents didn't really want pictures of their son playing with jewelry, however if you took it away from him even a second he would scream bloody murder... lol. I need to find better trinkets I guess.

Oh, weight loss. What happened to us? Brad is doing just fine. I'm to the point now where I forbid him to tell me how much he weighs everyday. Literally he weighs himself every damn morning, and it's always less. He said he can't wait to start exercising, I told him he wasn't allowed, that *I* was going to start exercising, and I will let him know when he can start... LOL. Give me a break. Seriously, he is at 241. Jerk! I don't know mine exactly, last I checked it was about 198. It goes up and down, I have all kinds of woman issues going on though, so who the hell knows. Maybe my last cyst was a 2 pounder...

But I also have some good news for myself, one big deal was my dad noticing I've lost weight. Dad doesn't notice things very often. My hair had been streaked for months and he only noticed recently. The other day, "You're clothes look baggy, are you losing weight?" Yes. "Brad better watch out, you're gonna get all skinny and he'll get cuckold!" But really, I can take my pants off without unbuttoning them or anything, haha.

And this was pretty funny, the reason I decided to get back on here and blog: fat flab.

You know, when people lose weight, and this skin just kinda hangs around? It's pretty gross, right? Well yesterday I'm running my hands over where my tummy has been meeting my thighs now for a good couple years and it just felt... off. What was that? It's like... flab. Previously it's been bloated/pillsbury doughboy squishiness. And now it's different. There is definitely less there, but it's pleasant plumpness is gone. It practically FOLDS over. I guess most people would feel pretty icky about this, but I am personally pretty excited! I mean, hey! That means something is working, right!? lol. Sure it's hideous to look at, but it was a noticeable change, which was good to experience. So I stood up and just kinda pulled and massaged my belly fat and it is absolutely different. It's so WEIRD! Brad catches me doing this all the time now. It's like science fiction! I'm disappearing! One morning they are just gonna find my skin and I'll be gone!

So yay for fat flabs! I want to touch it right now... that is exactly what I am going to do. See ya later, folks!

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