Thursday, March 8, 2012

When you dare to care...

I guess you are a fool.

Facebook probably isn't the best place for me to air my grievances on the Kony 2012 issue. So I'm bringing them here.

The other night, I'm sitting on my ass as usual while browsing the book of faces. A friend of mine that I have a lot of respect for shares a video calling for social awareness of a problem. It's thousands of miles away, in a country I've never been to, nor do I have the desire to go, and honestly, I probably won't ever go. It had previously not registered on my consciousness since maybe some movie based there or having to memorize where it was in high school geography. So why should I care?

Well, for whatever reasons, I do care, and I'd like to think it's because I'm a human being.

If you want to see the ~30 minute video, you can watch it at If you are one of the 7 million who haven't seen it.

The video itself isn't the point, but it's very informative. It's been criticized for not being comprehensive. But I wouldn't call the insipid facebook 'shares' of "share if you wish cancer would go away" comprehensive either. But I guess that's okay... and this is not. For some reason.

Some guys visited Uganda and made friends and witnessed the atrocities faced there by the local families at the hands of Joseph Kony, this complete psychopath who has been allowed to run a muck in their backyards (and homes, really) for decades. Through the efforts of these few activists, America (President Obama) officially ok'd sending some US special ops forces to try to help in Kony's apprehension. It has yet been done, but this group's primary concern is that we don't stop. That he be found. That he faces trial for his crimes against humanity. The problem: people just aren't aware of this guy and what he's done and probably continues to do (maybe not in Uganda anymore, but surely this guy hasn't retired to a fishing community where he drinks the rest of his life away dreaming about children yet un-molested).

So the group continues to make Kony a household name in America so that we can't claim ignorance.

Beautifully done video. These guys are talented. What a good way to use your talents. To give back to humanity. In a time when we are all pissed off and arguing with one another about whether or not Obama is destroying the country, what a nice wake-up call that there are better things to devote your time to.


Mere minutes after viewing the video, signing the petition, and donating some of my money because I love what these guys are doing and how they are doing it... the critics and the cynics rear their ugly heads.

I'm not saying it's wrong to question what you are told. Holy shit, I'm an atheist. It's what I DO. But the critics are hurling arguments that violate the same standards they are holding these guys up to- they are misleading people. Disenfranchising them just a little more.

They aren't BBB accredited!

They get 2 out of 4 stars on Charity Navigator!

Even Ugandans are mad at this video!

The LRA isn't even active in Uganda now, hasn't been since 2006!

Why should you help the Ugandan government apprehend a man for doing things they themselves have done?

Only 32% of donations go to on the ground support!

Why give a crap what is going on over there when America is suffering here?

How dare you care about this when West Liberty is in ruins after last week's tornadoes?

When approached for peace, Kony only retaliates with more violence!

This is just another example of a charity making money off of white guilt!

They won't even share their financial statements!

Well. For an official response to these critiques from the Invisible Children organization, you can go here:

My husband just made the observation that there are no statutes of limitations on crimes against humanity. Nazi's were still being held accountable well into the 70s for their crimes during WWII. And I'm sorry, but I'm not aware of any large scale villains in America who are kidnapping children, giving them guns and knives, and forcing them to mutilate people. And if there were, it would DEFINITELY get the attention it deserved, America would be outraged. Ugandan politicians aren't happy about the video? I guess I wouldn't be happy about a video exposing the lack of control I had in my country either. They say it's misleading because that stuff isn't happening in Uganda anymore. Well, I don't know about anyone else, but I gleaned perfectly well from the video that Kony's "army" has migrated to other areas. I only had to watch it one time to be aware of that fact. That doesn't mean this guy should be forgotten about or not pursued! What do you think he's doing right now wherever he is? Playing scrabble?

As for 32% of donations going to ground support... did you know that one dollar donated to the Humane Society of the United States (a human society in name only) between the years 2000-2009 equaled only on average 7 cents going to help an animal at all? And yet there they are. Making MILLIONS year after year. But damn these Invisible Children people! They just want our money!

Their response to the critiques make complete sense to me. And shows that whatever the haters are doing or saying against them is harmful to the point they are trying to make. Am I defending them so ferociously because I gave them my money? Maybe. I know I certainly don't want to have to admit I've been had or scammed. As of right now, I'm pretty sure I haven't been. If it comes to that, I'll be pretty pissed off, but not at myself. I've done dumber shit. Like letting pill heads borrow money. I'm not gonna lose sleep over a well-intended donation just because minutes later the collective eye-rolling took place. And I'm glad that wasn't my reaction to this video, cause it would indicate I'm so numb I'm barely human anymore. When it comes to light that my donation actually went to the production of eco-friendly dildos, I'll be sure to blog about that too.

I'd like to release Kony in some American town armed with a gun and no threat that he will be pursued or receive justice for anything he might choose to do. See how that goes.

As for the tornado victims, you think I don't care? You think it hurts to see our close neighbors go through this shit? Of course it does! But in the same way, you could say we are being over dramatic about something that happens in towns all across America every year, but we never cared much about it then. Now all the sudden you care? Way to jump on a bandwagon! See? That is rude and hurtful to say.

So go eat shit. I'm going to go donate now to rebuilding West Liberty AND to KONY2012. And to whatever in the hell else I feel like throwing my hard-earned money at. Maybe animal rights. Or gay rights. Or Alzheimer's. Maybe the church of the FSM. Whatever. I'd be doing a lot more good than liking your status if I think cancer sucks.


  1. Oh, but HERE are the headlines that America does find worthy, according to

    Imploding Iceberg Creates a Spectacle
    Solar Storms Light Up Northern Sky
    10 Industries that are Bouncing Back
    Today's NCAA Tips, Misses
    Injured Baby Squirrel Gets a Tiny Cast
    Designer Finds You Can Actually Afford
    Child's Tantrum Grounds Family

    Just to name a few.

  2. You spelled tornados kind of like potatoes. :)

  3. If that's Matt Farley, you are a douche. lol. Aaaand, the spell check made me do it, I felt it was wrong, but it's spell check! Who am I to argue with the gods?! I had also spelled received wrong and Alzheimers... lol. Tornados. It's done it again. Tornadoes. Yep, it's fine now. :D
