Monday, March 5, 2012

back to the point...

Gosh I wish I could format these posts better when I add pictures. I don't know where in the hell this text is going to end up.

So anyhow... look at me! Aside from giving myself a tan and hiding some blemishes, these photos have not been altered, haha. Officially, I've gone from 213 to 188.5. From 36 bmi to 32. 7cm off the chest, 9 off the waist, 3 off hips and 2 from forearm. These numbers would be even more impressive if I had not fallen off the wagon when I took that two week hiatus to Lexington, then Chicago, then Virginia, where I lost all hold on routine and haven't stepped foot in the gym since... Maybe looking at these photos will get my butt back in there before they forget I bought a membership?

Most importantly, look how much whiter my socks have gotten. I'm probably most proud of that.

I'll hit up Brad when he gets a break from work. Happy snow-day of slush and ick, and to all a good night. :D

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