Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bless your heart!

Title dedicated to Mr. Jordan.
I get all riled up about all kinds of shit almost hourly and think to myself, hey, that would make a fun blog post on that blog I have about weight loss that isn’t really about weight loss at all. But when a chance comes along to actually sit down in front of a keyboard all I can think is “things and stuff” a la Rick Grimes.
Do you realize I said MAYBE a mere handful of things about the election, and they were usually along the lines of, shit, I’m glad I’m pregnant and can’t even come up with a coherent thought about this damn election.  So I guess I need to just be knocked up constantly and I might behave myself.
OMFG my child just KNOWS when I’m trying to freaking type a thought.  [insert diaper change and feeding here] Moving. On.
So yeah, social media, gay people, lots of hate slinging.
I don’t need to go on about my views, certainly you already know them. The day started out pretty fun. Hey, things are happening that may finally secure some basic human rights for a group of people that last I checked, were indeed very human.  My news feed was flooded in red (what girl can’t get on board with a bloody flow) and people were showing love and support and excitement. It’s neat when these things happen with social media.  We get to experience events in a new collective way that must be akin to the excitement over television back in the day. It’s just fun. Until it isn’t.
Boom.  There it is.  The first little negative Nancy rears their ugly head and creates what feels like an avalanche of bullshit that rains on everyone’s freaking pride parade.
I saw one, I saw two, then several, then it’s everywhere.  Some stupid bottom feeder has made their way into almost every comment thread of support. I really think it would physically hurt these people to have a thought of their own devising. Good thing they seem to be incapable.
And I honestly cannot help myself.
Wish I were a bigger person.  Or hell, maybe I don’t.  It wouldn’t happen if I didn’t enjoy it on some level.
I think part of it is feeling that if I don’t say it, maybe no one will stand up.  On the one hand you have people freaking out about the war on Christianity and how they feel so targeted and hated anymore, while on the other I know people who are afraid to even voice their opinions because of what may happen if they do.  Sounds a little off, no? I’m not gonna get fired or blacklisted or shunned. Come at me, bro.
So maybe it’s childish and maybe I do feel sometimes that I need a shower after stooping particularly low in an “argument” that has spiraled out of control to the point no one is really sure what it started for anyway.
I know where a lot of it is coming from, cause it’s where I started myself. But I moved on from that.  I’d like to say I evolved, but you know… there ain’t no such thang! 
So I’m going to try to focus on the potential good that began yesterday.  If it weren’t for ignorant ass-hats doing their usual thing, we wouldn’t be this far along in a journey towards equality.  That’s right.  Thank all those people for being so damn ignorant and invasive and bigoted.  Without them attempting to use the government to force their religious beliefs into everyone's lives, this opportunity may have taken much longer to present itself.  So there’s that.  I have every bit of confidence that this is going to have a very happy ending, and one day I will tell my child, that's right, people weren't always allowed to marry who they loved. Those were strange days.